Friday, July 27, 2018

New Hope

So it has been 2 years and 6 months since I had my IUI. If you’ve read my previous post you’d know it wasn’t successful. Hubby and I have since moved to Iloilo because of work, and to be in  a new environment, hopefully have a more stressful life and finally get pregnant here. Moving here was actually a bit counterproductive. There’s only one fertility specialist here in Iloilo, and it’s difficult to find an economical and reliable place to have my follicle monitoring. I only realised that a few months into our stay here. I only had one consult with an RE here, but because of my busy schedule, I never did any follow through.

We weren’t thinking about it anymore. We’ve even started talking about going through adoption already... we’ve been seriously talkingn about it even before moving to Iloilo. We’ve already attended an adoption forum, but we’re facing the obstacle of residency since we’re not originally from here and DSWD is strict with that, which we understand.

Jay and I were doing well with our careers and it’s basically what we’ve just been busy about. But we realised that we still want to have a baby. I personally want to still get pregnant even though I’ve already thought about adoption. When I told my manager about my plan to go on leave for 2 months the reason I gave her was that this will be my last hurrah before we go into the next step of our adoption process. So here we are, a few weeks shy of our 2nd year anniversary of moving to Iloilo and we’re still trying to get pregnant.

I had an unproductive cycle last month and I’m hoping against all hopes that this motth will be different. It’s been 2 weeks already since I last went to work and I’m just totally focused now on our baby bee project and trying to get healthy. Last cycle I was put on clomiphene for 100mg and had my scan at CD 13 and the result was a bit disappointing because my follicles were not growing that much. I drank lots of milk because I read in a forum that it will help thre follies grow. I was also taking opk tests and I’ve only been getting negatives, until day 21 when I finally got a smiley. :) I thought I was out of the game already because my OB said my follies were small but I should still try because who knows, they might grow big at the last minute. On the day that I tested, I felt something like an ovulation pain so I thought it won’t hurt if I test, and voila! I got a positive! Jay and I did our homework, but on what was supposed to be my 8dpo, my af came. :( The meds I took that time were just clomiphene to help with ovulation and duphaston to help regulate my cycle. AF came 3 days after my last tablet, so it’s either we missed the egg, or ot didn’t implant. Who knows?

So now we’re in the middle of our 2nd cycle and this time my OB put me on 150mg of clomiphene. The hot flashes are insane!!! But anything to have a baby bee! Aside from clomiphene, I’ve also been taking myo inositol and d-chiro inositol  and evening primrose oil. I’ve also started doing a castor oil pack and fertility massage, and I’m also on my 5th day of doing intermittent fasting. But I have yet to see any real results because earlier today I had my follicle monitoring and the same as last time the follies are still small. I only have follie that has potential but the rest are too small. :( What’s worse is that my lining is too thin!!! :( and my OB said that’s because of the high dosage for clomiphene. So he prescribed Proginova (estrogen replacement therapy) to help thicken my lining and I hope that it helps. At this stage I’m just willing to do almost anything to get pregnant except any superstitious beliefs. So yeah, I’ll also be enrolling at a gym tomorrow and I’ve also bought some flax seed to help with my nutrition.

Hay... the things I’ll do to have a baby, but in the end I know it’s still in God’s hands. I can only do so much, but God can do more than I can ever ask or imagine. I’m glad God is sovereign.